it's been so long since i last touch my blog... have been so busy with cupcakes and my baby boy.
i just got new maid for around 3 weeks and my boy refused to play with her (this caused me couldn't concentrate well).
Anyway... there was a BAZAAR in my residential's clubhouse, and there's some photo taken by my hubby (already mentioned to him to take nice photos before all the cuppies gone and nothing to display on the table). It was a hectic day... we arrived late and all the NOVELTY cuppies (all covered by sugarpaste) sold out just in 30 mnts! left over 6 BASIC cuppies (with buttercream topping). All the hard work for past 3 days and 2 nights paid off. So Glad people like my cuppies.
We finally went home after staying no longer than 3 hours. take rest.
the only setting that could be taken after the crowd gone (for a while).

This cuppies have fully paid just before we displayed them on table.