Thursday, December 17, 2009

Retirement Cake

This Rich Chocolate cake with Ganache filling was made last week for my Hubby's colleague, Mr Yew who is going to retire next year. Since He has been working for more than 10 years in this company i assumed he must be very tired and need a 'break'... a very dedicated engineering.

Happy retirement Mr Yew... enjoy your life!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dora Figurine on the CAKE, finally

remember the Dora Figurine i made last oct?
after landing in Sydney Dora's left shoe was Chip off, but my lovely friend manage to glue it and make Dora into whole piece again...
this is Dora on the Cake

Proud parents with Alicia

Alicia said " I wiiiishhh..."

Saturday, November 14, 2009

sorry... will be away

i will be going to KL next week (for more and shopping)... so wont be able to take any order from 16 - 22 november. Drop me an email for further info or order.

i will post updates very soon...
happy sunday!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Painting on cupcakes

Tried this method sometimes ago... and it's turn out quite good.
I imprinted the sugar paste colored with edible Dust Powder then put on some degrees...
Don't worry it's all EDIBLE!!!

here is the DARKer blue

LIGHTer blue
1 set of 2 pcs.
if you are interested in these cuppies please contact me for more detail. Thank's.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Dora Figurine

i just finished making this Dora last nite, and it's kindda 'not really satisfied' feeling. Its for my bestfriend's daughter's 1st bday cake topper. She's staying in sydney... so this DORA will fly all the way from malaysia to aussie, hopefully will landed with no broken part.
Happy Birthday Al... God Bless u and ur family always...
hope this GIFT represent me in your bday party.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Birthday Cakes

Received 2 Birthday cakes order in one week... and Thank's GOD, the customers all satisfied.
all cakes adapted and inspired from Peggy's latest Book Chic Cake.

Pooddles Cake

Victorian Sponge Cake with Vanilla Buttercream covered with Vanilla Fondant.

i just love the paws around the cake!!

Blue Anemone Cake
Choco Sponge cake with Ganache and Mocca Buttercream covered with Chocolate Fondant.
(it's super duper Mouth watering indeed)

thank's for reading, have a great weekend guys!

i was attending Peggy Porschen's Workshop in ICCA Sunway Damansara Kuala Lumpur last september 2009. Eventhough it was very tiring for a preggo like me, but the fun and excitement was priceless.
She is such a lovely and humble lady, she shared many tips and cake deco's secret with us.

here are some photos from my cam on Day 1

and below are the things she taught us for 3 days WS...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Busy Bug...

i have been so buuuussssy lately...never got chance to update this blog.
but already promised myself that i will upload my latest work and news very soon... keep update my blog.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's day Hectic

mother's day promotion

Sunday, April 26, 2009

First time Order

12 Chinese Horoscope Characters
This order took place in the Bazaar last week. The Lady asked me to do 'something' that i could hardly understand (sorry for my bad Chinese) she even repeated to me (maybe) 5 times. in the end i screamed for my hubby's help for translation.
It's the 12 Chinese Horoscope Characters!!!!
i will remember it forever, a very good lesson for me.

here is the final art work :

Cheezy Mouse

Chubby Ox

Sleepy Tiger

Bugz Bunny

Dragon Bolz

Sizzling Snake

Girly Pony Horse

Baba White Sheep

Peek a Boo Monkey

Dog on a Bone
finally... Mr Peggo and Ms Peggy

on my favourite display...

2 sets of 12 pcs.
however, i received an sms just few minutes after the delivered, saying that they like them so much... and still dare not to eat them till the following day i asked her again, why???
"too cute to be eaten" she replied. i'm so relieved! i thought something was wrong with my cuppies.

Busy days

it's been so long since i last touch my blog... have been so busy with cupcakes and my baby boy.
i just got new maid for around 3 weeks and my boy refused to play with her (this caused me couldn't concentrate well).
Anyway... there was a BAZAAR in my residential's clubhouse, and there's some photo taken by my hubby (already mentioned to him to take nice photos before all the cuppies gone and nothing to display on the table). It was a hectic day... we arrived late and all the NOVELTY cuppies (all covered by sugarpaste) sold out just in 30 mnts! left over 6 BASIC cuppies (with buttercream topping). All the hard work for past 3 days and 2 nights paid off. So Glad people like my cuppies.
We finally went home after staying no longer than 3 hours. take rest.

the only setting that could be taken after the crowd gone (for a while).

This cuppies have fully paid just before we displayed them on table.